Quad Biking Atlantis Dunes

Are you looking for an unforgettable adventure that will get your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping? Look no further than a Quad Bike ride on the Dunes of Atlantis! Located just outside of Cape Town, South Africa, Atlantis Dunes is the home to some of the most thrilling and challenging off-road terrain in Cape Town.

Quad Biking Atlantis Dunes: An Adventure Like No Other

Whether you're a seasoned quad biker or a first-time rider, Quad Biking Atlantis Dunes experience is one you won't want to miss. From steep sand dunes to rocky trails, there's something here for everyone.

What is Quad Biking?

Quad Biking is an off-road adventure that takes place in the Atlantis Dunes outside of Cape Town, South Africa. Participants ride quad bikes (also known as ATVs) over challenging terrain, including sand dunes with steep inclines.

What to Expect on Your Quad Biking Adventure?

If you've never been quad biking before, you might be wondering what to expect on your adventure. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Safety First: Before you hit the dunes, you'll be given a safety briefing and instructions on how to operate the quad bike. You'll also be given a helmet to wear throughout your ride.
  2. Off-Road Adventure: Atlantis Dunes offer a variety of challenging terrain, including steep sand dunes, rocky trails, and more. You'll need to be prepared for a bumpy ride and be ready to tackle whatever comes your way.
  3. Thrilling Experience: Quad biking at Atlantis Dunes is a thrilling experience that will get your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping. You'll be able to take in breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape as you race up and down the dunes.

Safety Tips for Quad Biking Atlantis Dunes

While quad biking is a thrilling adventure, it's important to keep safety in mind at all times. Here are a few safety tips to help you stay safe on your quad biking adventure:

  1. Wear Appropriate Gear: You'll be provided with a helmet, but it's also a good idea to wear long pants and closed-toe shoes to protect your skin from scratches and cuts.
  2. Follow Instructions: Listen carefully to your guide's instructions on how to operate the quad bike and navigate the terrain. It's important to follow their guidance to avoid accidents.
  3. Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Keep an eye out for other riders and any obstacles in your path. Make sure to maintain a safe distance from other riders to avoid collisions.
  4. Stay Alert: Always stay focused on the terrain ahead of you and be prepared to react quickly to any unexpected obstacles.

Quad Biking Atlantis Dunes: Rules and Guidelines to Follow

We take your safety seriously and unfortunately; we need to have some rules in place to ensure your well-being. These guidelines are easy to understand and crucial to follow. Despite the stunning beauty of the terrain, it can be perilous and unforgiving if you don't adhere to the rules. These regulations help prevent accidents such as losing control of your vehicle, which can result in harm to both yourself and our vehicles. To ensure a fun and thrilling experience, each run is led by an expert rider who is trained to guide you through this breathtaking terrain. Our team consists of experienced guides who have more than 45 years of collective experience in quad biking.

Guideline 1: Stay Close to the Guide

The dunes change every day, which is why we have a guide leading you through them, analyzing what's ahead, and ensuring your safety. Most dunes have a soft side and a steep side. By following the guide, you avoid areas that can cause you to fall and injure yourself. Some dunes have dramatic drop-offs, and being even a few meters to the side can mean the difference between a smooth descent and a dangerous fall. Therefore, this is the most important rule to follow.

Guideline 2: Keep a Safe Distance

Quad bikes are designed for sand riding, which is very different from driving on the road. The sand makes steering heavy, and braking very sharp as the weight of the sand heavily impacts the tires. Therefore, we require you to keep a 5-meter gap between you and the person in front of you at all times. This allows you to see what the rider in front of you is doing before you attempt to navigate the same terrain. It also prevents you from crashing into the rider in front of you, which can result in injury or damage to the quad bike.

Guideline 3: Watch What the Rider in Front of You is Doing

As you ride, it's essential to pay attention to what's happening in front of you. If the guide slows down, it's because the conditions or the skills of the following riders prevent him from following his usual path. The front bike usually has a flag to signal what the terrain is doing and when there are sharp drops ahead. By paying attention, you can remain safe.

Guideline 4: No Hooligans! 

Regardless of your skill level, we are responsible for your safety. This is a guided tour, not a joyride. Therefore, we ask you to ride in an orderly fashion and not engage in reckless behavior such as snaking or trying to make the tail kick out. This type of behavior can lead to accidents, causing you to fall off the quad bike or roll it, which can result in severe injuries or damage to the vehicle. We strictly enforce this rule to protect both you and the quad bike.

Guideline 5: Always Listen to the Guides

Our guides represent the company, and they have years of experience in the dunes. They are responsible for your safety and that of the quad bike every moment you're on the dunes. We urge you to listen to them to have the best possible experience and avoid getting airlifted to the hospital or removed from our vehicles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need any prior experience to go quad biking at Atlantis Dunes?

A: No, you don't need any prior experience to go quad biking at Atlantis Dunes. You'll receive a safety briefing and instructions on how to operate the quad bike before your ride.

Q: What should I wear for my quad biking adventure?

A: It's a good idea to wear long pants and closed-toe shoes to protect your skin from scratches and cuts.

Q: How long does the quad biking experience last?

A: The length of the quad biking experience can vary depending on the package you choose. Typically, you can expect your adventure to last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Q: Is quad biking safe?

A: Quad biking can be a safe activity as long as you follow the rules and guidelines set forth by the tour operator. It's important to wear appropriate gear, follow instructions, and stay aware of your surroundings to avoid accidents.

Q: Can I bring my own quad bike?

A: No, you cannot bring your own quad bike to Atlantis Dunes. However, the tour company provides well-maintained quad bikes for your adventure.

Q: Is quad biking suitable for all ages?

A: While quad biking can be enjoyed by people of all ages, there are age and weight restrictions set by the tour company. Typically, riders must be at least 13 years old and weigh less than 120 kg.


Quad Biking Atlantis Dunes offers an adrenaline-fueled adventure like no other. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a first-time quad biker, the challenging terrain of the Atlantis Dunes is sure to thrill and excite you. With safety tips and guidelines in place, you can enjoy your adventure with peace of mind. So, what are you waiting for? Book your quad biking adventure today and get ready to experience the thrill of the Atlantis Dunes!